- 26 LESSON PROGRAM. When you sign up you will immediately get access to over 26 videos outlining everything you need to know to be a ROCKSTAR Production Assistant.
- 110 PAGE WORKBOOK. We are going to send you a digital 100 page workbook that will become you #1 reference guide once you land on set.
- MEMBERS ONLY FACEBOOK COMMUNITY. You'll get access to our exclusive Facebook group with hundreds of working Film Crew Institute graduates. Share job opportunities, ask questions, get advice.
- MONTHLY MEMBERS ONLY LIVE Q&A. As a member of Film Crew Institute, you'' have access to ask our team anything! Whether it's how to land a job or how to handle challenging experiences on set, we've got you covered.
- PRODUCTION FORMS KIT. You'll be the most prepared Production Assistant on set with a complete folder of important forms to use in the event production hasn't supplied them to you. From non union background vouchers and I9s to walkie sign out sheets and Exhibit Gs.
TOTAL VALUE $3,235 all for $497